Alicja Zmysłowska

Katowice, Poland

Alicja Zmysłowska

Through 15 years of experience in dog photography Alicja has developed her own artistic, emotional and dreamy style recognized all over the globe. In her art she values uniqueness and presentation of new ideas. Her work is instantly recognizable for her ability to transport the viewer into another world, where the stunning beauty of nature is combined with the unique personalities of the dogs she photographs. She is a master of color and tone, composition and expression, and a true pioneer in the soft, dreamy style that she is so well known for. Her work has been awarded countless times in photography contests and published at international photography portals like National Geographic Yourshot, My Modern Metropolis, PetaPixel and photography magazines like Digital Camera UK, Digital Camera Poland, FV Photo and Video and many more.


  • Dive behind-the-scenes with award-winning dog photographer Alicja Zmysłowska to discover how she makes even the most ordinary locations look like something out of a dream. Discover the characteristics she looks for in a location and join Alicja as she breaks down how to best use light, lenses, and perspective to transform even the most run-of-the-mill location into a scene ripped straight from the pages of a fairytale.

  • How do you make images so effective and so powerful that your audience is left completely mesmerized? What are the subconscious triggers that make people fall in love with your imagery? Take a journey into the rules of composition through Alicja’s Zmysłowska’s iconic fairytale imagery and uncover what makes the elements of composition so psychologically effective in capturing - and keeping - your viewer’s attention.